2022 Annual Report of NILIM

Message of Director-General
Researching Technology Policy Comprehensively
Opening report
For Protecting Not Only Lives But Also Assets and Livelihoods When Flood Overwhelms Flood Control Structures
Development of on-site technologies for rapid recovery / reconstruction from sediment disasters and for the maintenance of a safe living environment after disasters
Rapid Technical Support for Disasters and Troubles
For the Effective Use of the Stock of Reinforced-Concrete Apartment Buildings --The Development of a Method of Sophisticating the Durability Evaluation and Technology to Enlarge Space--
Further Efficiency and Sophistication of Building Management Using BIM
Research on the Multi-functionalization of Transport Hubs for Effective Urban Space Use
Multiple ecosystem services of blue carbon ecosystems
Efforts towards sustainable hinterland transport of containers
Completed Recovery of Major Roads Damaged in 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake
Research and Study Activities for the Realization of a Green Society
Research to Promote DX in the Infrastructure Sector
Messages from Departments and Centers of NILIM
Research of the NILIM: Past and Future
For Realization of Carbon Neutrality Technological Development in the Sewerage Field
Research Initiatives for Disaster Prevention in River Basins and Coastal Areas in Preparation for Climate Change
Promotion of Research and Technology Development to Support Sabo Engineers
Towards the Realization of the Roles Roads Should Play
Technical Support for Frequently Occurring Road Disasters
Architectural Research to Respond to Changes in Social Needs
Using BIM for Maintenance Management/Operation of Buildings
The Current Circumstances Surrounding Cities and the Trends of the Research
Initiatives of the Research Center for Infrastructure Management Aimed at Promoting DX in the Infrastructure Sector
1. Reserch to support national resilience, safety, and security
Research on Efficient Physical Asset Management of Sewers
Development of Resilient Levees That Are More Effective Than Crisis Management-type Structural Countermeasures
Research on Future Changes in Rainfall for Flood Control Planning Considering Climate Change
Eliminating flood hazard information blank areas - Trial flood hazard mapping in small rivers
For Avoiding the Worst-Case Flooding Scenario --- Study on damage reduction measures in case floods overwhelm flood control structures ---
Development of Methods for Determining Disaster Potential and Preventive Measures for Bridge Washouts and Scouring
Development of Earthquake Resistance Check Methods for Large Box Culverts
Examination of the Effect of Removal of Existing Piles on Geotechnical Properties
Measures against Strong Wind on Roofs of Existing Buildings - Research on Wind Resistance Diagnosis and Reinforcement Method Evaluation of Roofing Materials
Development of New Performance Indices and Evaluation Programs Contributing to the Sophistication of Fire-prevention Performance of Non-residential Architectures
Development of technology to support judging the robustness of local government buildings immediately after an earthquake
The publication of "Collection of Cases on Carefully Crafted Improvement in Densely Built-Up Areas"
Technical Development for Seismic Reinforcement of Deteriorating Residential Retaining Walls
Tsunami Damage Rate of Breakwaters
Overseas Information Monitoring on Water Technological Policies Considering Climate Change.
2. Research to support strong, sustainable economic growth
Demonstration Study of B-DASH Projects on ICT/AI-based Technologies for Sewage Treatment Plant Operation and Management
Testing the Stability of Estimated Results According to Different Numbers of Inputted Cross-section Locations in the OD Traffic Volume Inverse Estimation Method
Intentions of local governments and companies for transitioning to smart cities and related challenges
Study on the introduction of remote container cargo handling system to improve working environments
Analysis of offshore waiting of container ships causing a supply chain crisis
Initiatives to introduce ICT and BIM/CIM at ports
Analysis of Domestic Airfares after the Start of LCC Service in Japan
Development of guidelines for creating 3D model deliverables for detailed design
3. Research to support community development that serves as a foundation for the good life
Aiming to Build a Resource Recycling System that Links Sewage Treatment and Waste Treatment
Technical Development to Popularize Physical Devices Contributing to the Formation of Safe and Secure Residential Streets
Towards Further Cost Reductions and Acceleration in Utility Pole Removal
Initiatives Aimed at Realizing Automated Driving on Expressways
Support to the Formulation of the Plans in Relation to the Housing Safety Net in Municipal Governments --Development and Publication of the "Program for Estimating the Number of Households That Require Consideration for Secured Housing" --
How much do vacant houses cost? Estimating the cost of addressing vacant houses in municipalities
Development of Technology to Improve the Mobility Environment in Suburban Residential Areas
Research on urban area simulation using 3D city models
How Should Green Infrastructure with Diverse Functions Be Evaluated?
4. Support for disaster response
Development of a System to Forecast Inundation Damage from Storm Surge and High Waves in Advance --- Aiming to Provide Easy-to-Understand Information That Leads to Evacuation Action
Examination of lighting equipment plans for evacuation plans in a natural disaster
Current State of and Challenges in Support Policies for Activities by Local Residents, Etc. to Remove Snow from Roads
The Five-year History of the Kumamoto Earthquake Recovery Division and its Aim to Recover from the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake
5. Technical consultation and technical support
Utilization of AI in Safety Management of Dams --- Development of Dam Management Support Technology to Enhance the Quality of Maintenance
Development of BIM models assuming utilization in existing public rental housing
6. Collection, analysis, management of data, return to society
Clarification of actual building envelope and equipment design specifications using energy conservation standard application data
7. International Research Activities
International Research Activities
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