2023 Annual Report of NILIM

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Message of Director-General
Towards a Future-Oriented NILIM
Opening report
Enhancing River Management Facility Maintenance and Management Efficiency through New Technologies including AI
Probability Estimation of Radar Analytical Rainfall Products based on L-Moments method in the field of Sediment Disaster Area
Support from Road Side Aimed at Realizing and Expanding Automated Driving
Rapid Technical Support for Disasters and Faults
For Proactively Preventing Housing Abandonment
Development of technology to improve the mobility environment in suburban residential areas using "new mobility"
Messages from Departments and Centers of NILIM
Research Policy and Management at the NILIM
Study of Sewerage Systems for Climate Change Adaptation
Started Development of Watershed Flood Control Digital Test Bed
"Efforts to Communicate" - Toward Mutual Understanding between Residents and Administration -
Towards Realizing Safer, Smoother, More Comfortable Road Use
Towards More Efficient Infrastructure Management
Building Department's Initiatives to Achieve Carbon Neutrality
Acceleration of Energy-Saving Measures for Housing and Buildings
Compact, Human-centered Urban Development Using Smart Technologies
Initiatives of the Research Center for Infrastructure Management Based on Changes in Natural and Social Conditions
1. Research to support national resilience, safety, and security
Initiative to Increase the Efficiency of Levee Inspections Utilizing New Technologies, Including AI
Satellite Monitoring for Coastal Preservation: Mitigating Beach Erosion from Rising Sea Levels
Developing 3D River Level Forecast Visualization with VR Technology
Direction for Utilizing Flood Risk Maps to Enhance Watershed Flood Preparedness
Analyzing House Damage from Mudflow and Flood Inundation through Two-Dimensional Riverbed Change Calculations
Exploring a Simplified Approach for Assessing the Flow of Collapsed Sediments
Analysis of the Impact on Traffic Functions of Scouring of Road Earthwork Structures and Slope Collapses, Etc. Due to Torrential Rain
Research to Gain Understanding of the Sense of Scale of Structure Damage Directly after Earthquakes
Development of New Performance Indicators and Evaluation Programs to Contribute to the Advancement of Fireproof Performance of Non-residential Buildings
Design Targets for Independent Energy Systems for Continued Living after a Disaster
For Improving Local Disaster Preparedness in Densely Buit-up Areas
Analysis of Damage Patterns of Old Residential Retaining Walls
Improving Efficiency in Maintenance of Port Facilities Using AI
Capturing the Behavior of Ships During a Tsunami
2. Research to support strong, sustainable economic growth
Initiatives for Realizing Automated Driving on Expressways
Development of Maintenance BIM models for Utilization in Public Rental Housing Stock
Publication of "Smart City Case-Study Collection [Introduction]"
BIM/CIM Generating Method for Existing Port Facilities for Efficient Maintenance
Research for Automation and Laborsaving in Airport Snow Removal — Analysis of Work Patterns and Development of Evaluation Methods for the Effect of Labor-saving and Automation Technology Introduction
3. Research to support community development that serves as a foundation for the good life
Analysis of the Effects for Travel Speed on Arterial Roads by Unsignalized Intersections Access
Examination of Method for Gaining Information on Traffic Safety in Bicycle Traffic Spaces Through On-Site Travel and Surveys
Study on Ways of Smoothly Consensus Building in Utility Pole Removal Projects
A Study on Standard Floor Section Specifications for Wooden Buildings in Consideration of Sound insulation Performance and Cost-effectiveness
Research on Quantification of the Cost and Effect of Vacant House Management and Measures
Actual Conditions Related to Human Adaptation to Heat Using Mobile Phone Location Data
Research on Urban Functions and Public Spaces Based on New Lifestyles
Development of Network Visualization Technique for Habitat Regeneration to Make Organisms in an Inner Bay Prosper in the Long Term
Grasp of Current State and Issues of Spatial Development in Coastal Areas
Developing and Implementing APIs in Road-Related Systems
Preventive Measures for and Utilization of Parks Based on Preventive Measures Against COVID-19
4. Technical consultation and technical support
Development of an AI-Based Tool to Enhance Dam Safety Management Decision-Making
5. Collection, analysis, management of data, return to society
An Analysis of the Results of Regular Road Tunnel Inspections
Analysis of Utilization Trends of International Transport Infrastructure such as Canals, Ports and Harbors against the Background of the Impact of Social and Economic Environmental Changes and Geopolitical Risks to International Logistics
Research to Promote DX in the Infrastructure Field
6. International Research Activities
International Research Activities